I have always wanted and thought that I would make a living from my creation. After completing my bachelor's degree in liberal arts, where I got to experiment with different materials, I decided that textiles would become "my" material. I wanted to immerse myself in weaving, explore this craft in depth, make, feel and acquire technical skills. My wish was also to live in the countryside and be in an inspiring environment, so Capellagården was an obvious choice. The years at Capellagården have given me exactly what I was looking for – knowledge and expertise in a subject that fascinates me, it has also given me a strong social experience and friends for life!
After Capella…
I started my own business in 2020, in the meantime I have worked a little on the side with other jobs. In 2021 I attended the horticultural education at Capella, my idea was to be able to work outdoors during the summer season and indoors in the workshop during the fall and winter. But since 2022, I have had so much work with weaving that I now work full-time as a weaver. I weave to order, participate in exhibitions and collaborate with architects and brands. I have now been doing it for almost two years, and it is so fun and educational!
My advice to future students
Enjoy your months at Capellagården! Keep all minds open. In the first year, take in as much as you can and fill your knowledge bank with different techniques by taking careful notes. In the second year, have a plan. You can either have a clear project and follow its different steps, or you can continue to build your knowledge bank by immersing yourself in weaving or learning new techniques and creating your own sample bank! But above all, take the opportunity to discuss/ball with the others at school and take good care of your teachers - they have great expertise and are there to help you realize your dream project.
Published in 2024