"I had three fantastic years on Öland! Apart from stimulating work at school, the environment and the social interaction were what I remember most! Sauna evenings, masquerade parties and serious hikes. As a temporary islander, you were constantly asked what it was like to live there when it wasn't summer. It wasn't really anything I thought about because there was always something to occupy oneself with. My own commitment was probably a key for me that the training was so successful!

I appreciated the variety and freedom in the education. One day we felled trees out in the forest to paint croki the next day. If you then wanted to immerse yourself in something, there was room for it. I believe that problem solving and creativity are a cabinet maker's main tools. There was a drive in the group with teachers and students discussing different solutions and approaches. We learned a lot from each other. Both through discussion and that everyone dealt with different projects and had different experiences from before. The breadth of knowledge is what I benefit most from today.

After Capella…

so I practiced for four months at a small carpentry shop in Japan! Then I started working at a carpentry shop in Linköping for two years and then changed direction and jumped on the teacher training course, year 4-6. In the middle of that education, a classmate from Capella got in touch and asked if I wanted to start working in a carpentry shop at St. Anna's archipelago outside Söderköping. I stayed here and today run my own carpentry shop with a part-time employee in central Söderköping.

My advice to future students

Look up from the planing bench and take part in everything that is available at the school! Discover the island!
For a more concrete tip, I recommend getting a shorter internship during the education. It gives an insight into working life. Take your own initiative and suggest elements of the training - hold a lecture at a morning meeting about something you are interested in!"
