"The years at Capellagården gave me a lot of knowledge in several different textile techniques, fruitful discussions about craftsmanship and creation, which was one of the reasons why I applied to Capella. I have continued to have a lot of contact and a great exchange of friends from Capella. These different components have been of great importance in my work since I left school.

After Capella…

The template barn - a project to draw attention to cultural treasures. It is a public decoration in Hälsingland. Many who helped me to carry out the project were friends from Capellagården. Template storage has given many unexpected rings on the water and several missions. I have worked as a part-time worker, participated in exhibitions, held lectures and studied traditional building painting at Gbg University.

Now I will get to grips with a decoration in Hudiksvall municipality and also work with newly arrived young people with crafts and pictures. Will also come back to Capella and Sätergläntan as a course leader. I run my own company which I slowly let grow based on my own interests and the assignments I receive.

My advice to future students:

Take advantage of all the premises and all the materials available and ask and discuss with your classmates and teachers as much as you can! I wish I had experimented more. Afterwards, you realize what resources are available at the school. Also take it easy after completing your education and think about what you really want, so you don't apply for further education because of the general mass psychosis. Follow your gut!”
