Taking the step to explore the possibility of combining work as a sociologist with gardening is something I will never regret. It even turned out to be entirely possible just a stone's throw from Capellagården.

After Capella:

Today I work in Vickleby (next door to Capella) in a business called Innergården. The business is aimed at people who are at a distance from the labor market. Together with the participants, we work with organic farming and follow the rhythm of the seasons. It gives me the opportunity to combine what is close to my heart, to cultivate and work with both body and soul in a creative way in the meeting with the participants.

My advice to future students:

To have the opportunity to be in a beautiful island village in a place like Capella is something unique. Be kind to yourself and take one thing at a time, it's easy to get hubris and want to try and learn everything. Stopping is probably so important.
