Open house at Capellagården
On Friday, March 8, 2024, we will open the doors to those who are interested in seeing Capellagården "on a normal day". Then you can visit the school on site here on Öland, but also digitally for those of you who can't make it to Öland on this particular day. The workshops are open and both teachers and students are on hand to answer questions about the education and the school. You can eat lunch at school. For those who may be interested in living at the boarding school, you can also look into one of Capellagården's student houses. Principal Camilla gives information about Capellagården, how to apply and other things that are good to know.
Take the opportunity to look around, feel the atmosphere and feel free to ask as many questions as you like. Warm welcome!
Digital open house, 9 a.m.–1:30 p.m
Register here to receive a link to the meeting
(note, register by March 8 at 08.30 at the latest)
09.00–09.30 Principal Camilla (About Capellagården)
09.30–10.00 Textiles
10.00–10.30 Ceramics
10.30–11.00 Building maintenance
11.00–11.30 Furniture
13.00–13.30 Extra! Half an hour for questions in English about our courses Furniture, Textiles and Ceramics.
Open house on site, 11 a.m.–3 p.m
11.00–15.00 Open workshops and student houses.
11.45–12.30 Possibility to have lunch in the Vingårdsalen (dining room)
13.00–approx. 13.30 Presentation about the school in the Book House (assembly hall)
Find here
Capellagården is located in Vickleby on Öland about 12 km south of the Öland Bridge.
By car, take road 136 towards Ottenby after Ölandsbron. Map
With bus 105 between Kalmar and Mörbylånga you can go twice an hour. Note, it is a 1.5 km walk from the bus stop (Vickleby crossroads) to Capellagården. You can see bus times here Kalmar county traffic
The school bus will be at the Vickleby crossroads bus stop for pick-up and drop-off at these times.
11.40–11.45 (the bus leaves Capella at 11.30)
13.40–13.45 (the bus leaves Capella at 13.30)
15.10–15.15 (the bus leaves Capella at 15.00)