Turn for the first time

Course for children and adult security personnel
July 3-4 alt. 31 July-1 August 2025

Part of Capellagården's summer course program is aimed at children who want to take a creative course together with an adult security person. A security person can be a parent, mother/grandparent or other important adult in the child's life. The course emphasizes playfulness, curiosity and creative joy and is aimed at both children and adults. The child's process is in focus and the adult participates in the course on the child's terms.

During the course, we approach clay as a material and the basics of turning. Steps included are kneading, centering, shaping and layering the clay. Through repetition, we practice the basics of turning. The course includes briefings in whole groups and individual work under supervision. A child and an adult share a turntable, to both learn through their own repetition and observation of the other. Hands, mud, spin, laugh and spin.

We can of course take home what we create, but it will take four to six weeks before the things are completely finished because they must be dried, fired and glazed by the course leader.

The course runs over two days from 9 am to 3 pm with joint breaks for coffee and lunch.

Recommended age of the child is 8 to 16 years.
No prior knowledge is required. 

Course fee

The course fee is SEK 2900 for a child and an adult.
Lunch, light refreshments and materials are included in the course fee.

If Capellagården has to cancel the course, you always have the right to get back the course fee you have paid. If you need to withdraw your offer due to obstacles or illness, a refund will be made with 50% of the course fee.


You register yourself and the child via the form. We have rolling admissions and apply the principle on a first-come, first-served basis. Each course has room for 10 children and 10 adults. Accommodation at Capellagården cannot be booked for these courses.

Link to registration

Course leader: Ann-Louise Sandström

Ann-Louise works as a ceramicist and runs the "Little Ceramic Workshop" in Vickleby. She is educated at Capellagården and Bornholms Højskole.