Summer courses 2024 (test 3)

A summer course at Capellagården can be a challenge and provide life-changing inspiration for future path choices. Practical knowledge, artistic training and enriching community go hand in hand. Capellagården has become a concept, a meeting place for craft and culture-interested people from Sweden and the world. We explore different materials and get to know their different beauty values. You get to work in different techniques and seek experiences in the meeting between technology and materials and get to experience how your own personality seeks expression through the hand, eye and thought. Our course leaders are experienced craftsmen and artists who also share their own work through lectures and the like. With a few exceptions, the courses require no prior knowledge and you are welcome to apply regardless of age or nationality (see further under the heading language). As a boarding student with full board in a beautiful and relaxing environment, you can fully devote yourself to your chosen craft or subject.